This is a coat that I recently purchased. When I posted the photo on Facebook I shared with a friend that I didn’t really “need” it but it was so pretty that I couldn’t resist (plus it was on sale). I was shocked at how many comments I got. People say that social media is one of those places where we compare ourselves with others but I have found the opposite. While I look at the picture and see the flaws that isn’t what others see. I have gotten more comfortable buying clothes that I probably wouldn’t have before. Wearing lipstick that is called “knockout”. This is the first jean jacket I have ever owned. Growing up we had what my Dad would call everyday jackets and then we had going to church jackets. I love the versatility that this coat offers. I can wear it with jeans or casually over a t-shirt and skirt.

A shared love

Last Sunday a church friend posted a photo of an afghan that Janet made for her when she was pregnant with her first child. I remember it vividly because at the time she lived near us. Our grandmother taught both us but I just couldn’t get the hang of it. When I would tell Janet “I wish I could do that” she would tell me “it’s ok…you have other gifts”. When I look at the photo I remember watching her daughter run up to her grandmother in coffee hour. Teasing someone on the CD committee. At the same time it’s bittersweet because I wish I had one. She made many as wedding gifts and it truly is a labour of love.

Today my Christmas card FINALLY came from my friend in Australia (2 months later). It was in a bubble envelope and it was a challenge to get into it. I kept thinking “gosh Janet must be laughing at me!”. Inside there was a felt mouse holding a coffee cup. When I opened the card I saw that she drew me here (where it is cold) and transported me there…where it is warm. Because that is what we both wish is that we could be together to give each other a hug. In the card she said that she was wandering around a shop and happened upon the mouse ornament. The person in the shop said “aren’t they cute”. It reminded me so much of going for a walk and peering in the shop window. The store owner opened the store early for me. At the back of the store was a tree full of mouse ornaments. I have told the story about how I stuck a $20 bill in my pocket…which was just enough to pay for it.

I remember when Janet died how many people went to the service. How many people she touched without me even knowing. She is my twin but she was also a student, a cousin, a friend. The first thing people remember is her laugh. I miss her but I treasure those times when she whispers to me that she is near.

5 “Skills” You Have “Lost” In The Pandemic

Life as we knew it changed a great deal with the pandemic. We humans, being an adaptable species, changed with it. Certain behaviours were reinforced while others were lost. For 5things Tuesday let us enumerate things we no longer do or do less frequently.

  1. Grocery Shopping. In the past 2 years I can count on one hand the amount of times I have been to a grocery store. While I got groceries delivered pre-pandemic the idea of going into a grocery store makes me nervous. The first time I went I was yelled at because I didn’t know where the line was.
  2. Going into a store to shop. If I have to go to a store in person I get in and get out. I no longer go to a mall to wander and browse in the stores. I don’t see this changing once we go back to a world where we aren’t wearing masks and things are open for good.
  3. Small talk. I would say I probably lost this skill after my Mom died but when we are spending our time at home what are we going to talk about?
  4. The ability to ask for help. I have struggled with this for a long time but during a pandemic having to consider how many people someone comes in contact with changes things.
  5. Cooking. While I still cook relatively healthy meals the desire to do so has completely left. It’s just pretty basic…a protein, a starch and a simple salad.

5 things I need to keep telling myself

Meal prep. While I eat healthy I need to cook from scratch more.

Don’t give up hope. This is something that a friend of mine has told me many times during the pandemic. Some days it’s hard to find it.

Speak up. Before Christmas I asked my diabetes Dr if I could upgrade to Freestyle Libre 2. Unfortunately most phones on the market are not compatible so last week I asked if I could switch back. It’s alright to make the right choice for myself! (I guess that’s really 2 things)

Treat yourself. Last year I kind of overdid it on this. I bought myself a sparkly top for Christmas. Despite the fact I didn’t get to wear it out I did take a selfie.

Things will get better. I’m not going to write that things will go back to normal because it will be a different normal than before the pandemic.


I’m ready for covid to be over. I know that right now it’s wishful thinking as Ontario is still in modified lockdown. We are only 18 days into the new year and already it’s been a s— show. The frustration of having to use diabetic technology that doesn’t work with my phone, being unable to reach someone in the office because they are short staffed or working from home (who knows??) and trying to explain the issue by email (which doesn’t really work). I want to go back to in person appointments. Where I just show up every 6 months and we’re good.

I talked to my coffee buddy on the phone on Saturday but it’s not the same as meeting in person. Even if coffee shops were open I’m pretty sure it will be March before we could get together. Winter is isolating enough without adding in the fact that I can’t go anywhere because things are closed.

All along I’ve tried to see the glass as half full but the longer this drags on it’s harder and harder to have hope. One day at a time. Eventually spring will come again. Coffee or lunch on the patio with friends.

Politics and covid

I was going to write this blog as a Monday Peeve but yesterday was a crazy day. The premier was supposed to give his press briefing at 11AM (rescheduled from 10 which I knew was too early) and he was later…as per usual. While watching the news beforehand there were inklings into what was going to be announced. On Thursday the medical officer said that schools would go back to in person learning on the 5th. Yesterday the premier announced that students would be switching to remote learning for at least 2 weeks. We knew this was going to happen when the school board told students to take all their personal belongings home before Christmas. Our numbers have gone up drastically and our “leader” decides to make everyone scramble at the last minute. While watching the news last night almost every political commentator said that “they” had the information in December. They knew that things were going to get worse before it got better.

We are also in a modified lockdown. Businesses are open with reduced capacity but restaurants, gyms, theatres are closed. The thing that irks me is that restaurants aren’t even at full capacity to begin with. My former neighbour and I went out in October and there was only one other couple in the restaurant at lunch time. Restaurants now have to find a way to use up the food that they had purchased already. There are more businesses that are going to close.

Why did I title this politics and covid? Every province has different policies. After almost 2 years it just feels like we are banging our heads against the wall. We are doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. I’m not saying that there are easy answers but we are all just tired of this.