This is a quilt that I bid on at the Twinless Twins Auction held at the banquet the final night of conference. I saw it on display with the other auction items and just knew that I had to have it. It’s just so beautiful and the colours are so breathtaking. What an amazing experience since I’ve never bid on anything before. A fellow twinless twin is auctioneer. I stuck up my hand to bid on it. The people at my table were shocked. I was in a bidding war (I thought with Dawn but she told me later it was Sandy). The price kept going up but there was a voice in my head that said “you know you want it, and can afford it! You’ll kick yourself”. In the end I decided NO MATTER WHAT I was going to have it. When I got it home I didn’t even realize it has my fav colours—yellow and purple, and Janet’s red and hunter green. I believe it was meant to be! When we were 7 yrs old my grandmother made us jumpers, mine was yellow and Janet’s was red.
It’s a symbol of the bond between twins (as the TT logo is in the corner). My twin died young. There were so many things that she never got to do. While this quilt is a symbol of me and Janet it’s also a symbol of life. Even though we are grieving it’s alright to buy something that makes us happy.


  1. Jennifer, I haven’t commented for a few days, not because I hadn’t read, but because there was so much going on in my own head. As usual, the three most recent posts are beautifully written and filled with beautiful thoughts. Thank you!

    Love, gail

  2. Pingback: birth |100 Emotions (a sketching challenge) | Ramisa the Authoress

  3. Pingback: birth |100 Emotions (a sketching challenge) | Ramisa the Authoress

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